1028: SYH’s Easy 012 Problem

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SYH has got a string with a length that is divisible by 3. The string only consists of ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’. You should blance the string that contains excatly |s|/3 ‘0’s, |s|/3 ‘1’s, |s|/3 ‘2’s. You should replace the minimum number of characters by only ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’. If there are multiple answers, output the smallest lexicographic answer.


The first line conatins an integer T, means the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains a string s.


For each test case ouput “Case: #x: s” in a single line. x is the test case number (starting from 1), and s is the balanced string which is your answer.

Sample Input Copy




Sample Output Copy

Case #1: 021
Case #2: 001122


For the first sample, although “012”’s lexicographic order is smaller than “021”’s, “012” need to be replaced three elements which isn’t accord with the problem.
For the second sample, “112200” and “012012” also only need to be replaced four characters. However, “001122” is the smallest lexicographic order.

1 ≤ T ≤ 10, 3 ≤ |s| ≤ 3×10
5, 3 | |s|.